The habit of devoting some money or time to good works is as important as saving or earning money. For some reason, we tend to downplay it. We tend to, because at first glance it may appear that it is not useful for children. However, many scientific and sociological studies have been conducted. They do prove that giving to others gives us great benefits – it gives us psychological satisfaction.
A person is a social being by nature and it is important for us to help and take care of each other. This is how we fill ourselves with a sense of happiness. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to pass this habit on to your children from an early age! And the Christmas period is probably the most favorable time to teach sharing, to discuss the meaning of good deeds and to put it into practice. Let’s talk with children about helping others.
One of the most effective ways to teach help is by your own example
In order to teach children useful habits, it is very important that your actions match what you say. So it is with sacrifice. What’s the point if we talk about doing good deeds, but we don’t do it ourselves.
The Christmas period is a particularly favorable time to set a good example for your children. At this time, there are many donation campaigns, charitable events and kindness initiatives, so you just have to choose where and how much you will donate. Just don’t forget to share it with your child, tell them where and why you are donating. Involve the child in this process – complete some errands together, buy the necessary tools together and take them to the selected organizations, visit the old people’s home.
Even a simple act is enough – a donation via text message or the food products bought by a child for organized promotions in the store. And of course, it is important to discuss with the child why it is important to donate, how it can be done, how he himself feels after doing a good job.
It is ideal when a child allocates part of his money to good causes HIMSELF
When we give a child our money to donate or involve us in the donation process, there is one. However, it is quite different when the child allocates part of his own money for this purpose. In the first case, the benefits are also felt, and I recommend starting with sharing. The next step should be to give the child’s own personal money to good causes. This way, he will learn much faster, because he will feel in practice what it means to give away part of his money. However, the feeling of happiness and joy will be much greater.
You can donate not only money, but also your time
Naturally, children have their own needs, goals, and expenses that require saving for more than one month. And not all families can allocate enough pocket money to cover necessities, savings, and donations. Therefore, I strongly recommend telling children about alternatives. Donating time and skills is no less important. All you have to do is choose: volunteering at an animal shelter or old people’s home, helping an elderly neighbor in the household or teaching her how to use a computer or smartphone, feeding birds or feeding forest animals – all these are good deeds. It is also possible to offer to review your unused toys or books, outgrown clothes or shoes and give them to those in need. You just need to use creativity and show initiative.
There are many ways to donate and do good deeds! Children are naturally inclined to help, although sometimes it may appear the opposite. Our job is to show how, to talk and discuss, to motivate and offer to take the initiative yourself, and not to forget to praise and celebrate the child’s empathy and good deeds.
Although it is difficult to develop the habit of giving quickly, it takes time and effort, but in the long run it will have huge benefits for the child’s worldliness, state of happiness and probably a better financial situation in the future. I wish you to take advantage of this wonderful holiday season and start developing this wonderful and useful habit with your children. Don’t forget – donating is not an obligation or duty. This desire should eventually come naturally, from the heart. After all, it is not the size of the donation that matters, but the process itself. Let’s do some work together!
We wish you and your family meaningful, cozy and spiritually rich holidays!