Holidays – How to Prevent Nail Fungus?
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Holidays – How to Prevent Nail Fungus?

Even the most ideal vacation can be soured by a seemingly almost invisible enemy – foot and nail fungus. Having hidden in closed footwear during the winter, nail fungus welcomes us in open sandals, beaches and swimming pools during the holidays. But is it possible to prevent nail fungus, especially during the holidays?

Holidays – how to prevent nail fungus? And what to do if the nail fungus has already taken over the feet? We share what we’ve tried and what works for us!

How Do You Get Nail Fungus on Vacation?

Holidays – how to prevent nail fungus? The possibility of contracting it increases significantly during the holidays. It’s really easy to catch foot fungus on vacation – if you walk barefoot in a public sauna, swimming pool, gym, you become a potential friend of the fungus. The risk increases especially when traveling in warm countries (Egypt, Turkey, Western European resorts). The fungus lurked and appeared to be chambered in public spaces, e.g. in hotel room carpets, showers.

The Disease

First of all, nail fungus is a fairly common disease. According to research data, it affects from 3 to 13 percent of the population, although far from everyone who notices the fungus consults a doctor. Individuals with weakened immunity and diabetes can easily catch the fungus. Children and young people rarely get nail fungus. It is interesting that although women are more worried about changes caused by nail fungus, it is precisely men who suffer from this disease more often than women. Toenail fungus can develop from pre-existing athlete’s foot.

It is very easy to get infected with the fungus in Asian countries. The first reason is extreme heat and humidity. The second reason is that walking barefoot is very popular in Asia. Shoes should be removed when going to temples, attractions, cafes, and even some shops. For this reason, Agnė from “Traveling with children” used it prophylactically while living in Thailand. That’s the NAILNER tool. On this page you can check where you can buy NAILNER cheaper. And we are glad that we managed to avoid nail fungus.

The infection starts between the toes and can spread to the entire foot, causing skin irritation, itching, scaling and an unpleasant odor.

The overgrowth of the fungus is thus caused by a favorable environment. When you exercise, sweat, or wear socks made of synthetic fabrics that prevent the skin of your feet from breathing, you increase the risk to get a fungus.

From the foot, the fungus moves to the nail plate. The infection causes the nail to split, turn yellow and peel. Nail fungus can appear both on the nails of the hands and on the toenails, but it is the toenails that are most often infected due to constant presence in shoes and sweating.

Holidays – How to Prevent Nail Fungus?

Following a few simple rules can help:

  • Wear appropriate footwear in common areas – beach slippers by the pool, in the sauna, in the showers;
  • Do not walk barefoot in hotel rooms and bathrooms;
  • Disinfect your feet after returning from common areas;
  • If you‘re at increased risk, you can use a protective nail polish to prevent the fungus from affecting the nails.

If you notice that you already have signs of foot or nail fungus:

  • Do not wear other people’s shoes, avoid “guest slippers” at friends and relatives;
  • Disinfect frequently used shoes;
  • Wash socks at 60 degrees;
  • Try not to walk barefoot in the house, so as not to transmit the fungus to household members.

How to Treat Nail Fungus on Vacation?

Nail fungus is treated with anti-fungal creams and serums and special nail files to help remove the affected nail.

However, even after the fungus has healed, the damaged area of ​​the nail can remain for up to a year, until the old nail is replaced by a new one.

That is why the products that not only treat nail fungus, but also mask yellowed, deformed nails are the most effective. Our recommendation are NAILNER products, which we have tested ourselves and seen the effect.

You can find NAILNER in three types: in the form of a pencil (Nailner 2in1) and a color-giving version (Nailner Treat&Color).

NAILNER pencil 2in1:

  • Has a simple principle of operation – it effectively treats and prevents fungal nail infection;
  • Has a unique system which saturates the nail and fights the fungus from the ground up – it changes the environment of the nail, which is no longer favorable for the fungus;
  • When the nail already grows back healthy, protects it from infection and strengthens it;
  • Brightens the nail damaged by infection – additional brightening material allows the nail to regain a more beautiful appearance in just a week (!);
  • the volume is enough (attention!) for even 400 applications, so practically FOR A YEAR! Such efficiency, in our opinion, fully justifies the price (depending on the pharmacy, about 21 EUR).

Both NAILNER treatments should be used twice a day for the first month and once a day thereafter. Both in the case of a pencil and a brush, the tools are enough for practically a year, that is, for a full nail treatment course, until a healthy nail grows back.

Advice: the holidays are coming, so in order to prevent nail fungus, we recommend applying NAILER products as a preventive measure – not only will you avoid infection, but you will also strengthen your nails.

Holidays – How to Prevent Nail Fungus for Children?

Since children like to run around barefoot, especially during vacations, make sure to take care of the hygiene of their feet – after they spend time in public areas, wash or spray their feet, disinfect their shoes, and wash their socks at high temperatures.

Agnė from “Travelling with Children” had another very useful thing when she lived in Thailand  – these were water shoes. Matthew was with them at the pool, which also protected them from getting infected with fungus and from slipping or falling on wet surfaces. In addition, water shoes dry very quickly, so your feet do not stay wet for a long time.

Jolita from “Travelling with Children” also follows other rules – because she travels a lot with children through the Canary Islands, she can suggest you try various entertainment places and hotels for recreation with children. Always have home and pool shoes with your children – take  flip flops, water shoes, etc. After the beach and jogging on the sand, as a rule, Jolita’s children always use the foot showers on the beaches.

You can read about Lithuanian natural cosmetics that are perfect for traveling in the article “Holiday basket of Lithuanian natural BIOCOS cosmetics”.

This article is author’s work and was prepared by “Travels with Children ®”. Copying and using without permission is strictly prohibited.
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