Lithuanian Ethnography Open-Air Museum with Children
Lithuanian Ethnography Open-Air Museum with Children
Lithuanian Ethnography Open-Air Museum with Children

Lithuanian Ethnography Open-Air Museum with Children

The Lithuanian Ethnography Open-Air Museum is located in a beautiful natural environment in Rumsiskes, near Kaunas. It is one of the largest open-air museums in Europe, covering an area of ​​195 hectares, where authentic 19th-20th century village houses, craftsman workshops and even entire homesteads from various regions of Lithuania have been recreated.

The Lithuanian Ethnography Open-Air Museum is like a time machine to the past, in which you can travel with children.

Lithuanian Ethnography Open-Air Museum with Children – what will you see?

The museum features recreated villages from Highland Lithuania, Dzukija, Suvalkija Zemaitija and Little Lithuania. Each village showcases typical buildings from the region, reflecting the local architectural styles and household characteristics of that time. Lithuanian ethnography museum with children is the perfect place to teach children about Lithuania’s ancient culture.

Here, you can not only observe how tools, fabrics, and ceramics were made in ancient times but also participate in various educational workshops.

Ethnographic exhibitions dedicated to ancient clothing, household items, and agricultural tools offer a deeper insight into Lithuania’s ancient culture. Oskaras and Greta were particularly fascinated by the Mardi Gras (Winter Carnaval) mask exhibition. Living in Tenerife, they’ve only learned about Lithuanian Mardi Gras customs through remote lessons at their Lithuanian school.

Personally, I was especially impressed with the main town and its “revived” buildings. Having visited the museum a long time ago, I loved discovering the new spaces and exhibitions, like the fabric store with remnants from ancient times, a sewing shop, and other fascinating displays.

What kind of entertainment awaits you?

The museum offers various educational programs that introduce people to ancient crafts, traditions and celebrations. Children can take part in weaving, felting clay or making antique dishes.

You can also book tours with a guide – the service is available only by prior reservation by phone: +370 687 67237 all year round. Overview tours are conducted in Lithuanian, English, Russian, German, Polish and Spanish (duration up to 2 hours, for groups up to 20 people).

Various thematic holidays such as Mardi Gras, St. John’s day, Assumption Day and other traditional Lithuanian holidays are held here, which restore old traditions and customs. The museum also hosts music and light sculpture festivals.

The large area is perfect for those who like to spend time outdoors. In the museum you will find swings and even a beach. I remember from my childhood that it was especially fun to visit in autumn during the indian summer, when the weather is still good and the area is decorated with autumn colors. It was no less fun to visit during Mardi Gras, especially if there was a lot of snow. This is probably the biggest Mardi Gras celebration in Lithuania.

In the museum, you can also order the orientation game “Smuggler Wanted”, which is organized on the territory of the museum campus and the Suwalki sector. The game takes place in the interwar period.

You will also find an Escape room here.

Lithuanian Ethnography Open-Air Museum – why is it worth visiting with children?

This museum is a great place for experiential learning that is especially important for children.

Children can see what ancient houses looked like or learn about crafts.

Participation in various workshops encourages children’s creativity and interest in history.

Visiting the Lithuanian Ethnography Museum is not only interesting, but also meaningful – it is an opportunity to get acquainted with the cultural heritage of your country, spend quality time with your family and inspire children to learn through personal experiences.

Horses, goats, sheep and a cow are kept in the Lithuanian Ethnography Museum. The aim is to grow only Lithuanian breeds, such as Lithuanian local rough sheep, Lithuanian local goats and the old genotype Lithuanian black-marred cow. The largest herd of farm animals is horses. These are old-type samogitian horse, large samogitian horse, Lithuanian heavy and trakehner.

Visitors are invited to ride in carriages and a phaeton around the museum territory. It is great entertainment not only for children but also for adults.

Educational programs and classes for children at the Lithuanian Ethnography Museum

In the Lithuanian Ethnography Museum, you can not only have an interesting time exploring authentic villages of the 19th-20th centuries, but also participate in various educational activities, workshops, and children’s classes and camps.

Children have the opportunity to learn ancient craft skills such as pottery, straw weaving, or wood carving. These workshops allow children not only to learn about ancient crafts, but also to create something unique themselves, which can be taken home as a souvenir.

It is possible to participate in traditional cooking classes, e.g. bread baking, where you learn how to cook traditional Lithuanian dishes using authentic techniques and tools.

Various educational folklore activities, singing songs, Lithuanian folk dances, making traditional instruments.

Education can also be ordered through the Culture passport program.

The museum also organizes clubs and camps. These groups encourage children to become little ethnographers, to explore and discover old traditions, customs and crafts. Nature study groups and horse-riding groups are also held here.

Visiting the Lithuanian Ethnography Museum and participating in the educational programs and clubs organized by it is a great opportunity for children to have a meaningful and fun time, learning about the culture and history of their country and acquiring new skills.

Amenities and services at the Lithuanian Ethnography Museum

You will find neat toilets in the museum (near the ticket office).

You can also plan a visit to the campus cafe, where daily lunch is offered. Or you can simply drink coffee, tea or eat dessert.
“Karčiama” is open only on weekends, so if you want to have a snack or a meal, plan it on weekdays in the main town.

Our advice is to wear comfortable clothing and footwear appropriate for the season when visiting the museum. The territory of the museum is large, you will definitely need to walk a lot.

Ticket prices can be found on the Lithuanian ethnography museum website. Discounts apply, preschoolers are free. You can also visit the museum for free on the last Sunday of the month.

Upcoming events

September 18 and 25 from 12:00 to 15:00 In the Plunge house in the town, there will be a BRUSH WEAVING education.

September 22 – Dziedai (a story about the “Dziedai” performed in Dzukija).

September 29 – free Sunday – Bike ride “Around Lithuania”. The museum will invite families with bicycles to the museum, to “go around Lithuania” with a guide, listening to interesting stories and enjoying tea.

In October, the museum will invite seniors to visit for free and will offer various activities.

October 5 – free attendance for teachers and lecturers.

From October 15 – the indoor expositions are closed and the museum will function as a park until December, when the wonderful Advent town will come to life.

This article “Lithuanian Ethnography Open-Air Museum with Children” is an original article prepared by Travel 4 Kids®. Reproduction and use without permission is strictly prohibited.
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Ancient culture, Educational programs at the Museum, Educational programs for children, Educational trips, Explore Lithuania, Lithuanian culture, Lithuanian ethnography museum, Museum in Lithuania, Museum with kids, open-air museum in Lithuania, Visit Lithuania