Protecting children’s faces in cold weather
Protecting children's faces in cold weather

Protecting children’s faces in cold weather

Just looking out of the window gives you the chills? That’s a sign that it’s time to get ready for the cold season’s essential helpers – warm clothes and boots. But the most important thing is protecting your children’s faces in cold weather. What are the benefits of these creams and how to choose the best one?

Protecting children’s faces in cold weather

Every time the sun sets earlier, the air temperature drops, the weather becomes windy and low relative humidity prevails, the skin of children, both big and small, often starts to dry out, inflammatory processes are triggered, the skin becomes red, chapped, signs of dermatitis appear, rashes appear in open areas and dryness develop. For those prone to acne, inflammatory acne eruptions are accentuated. It is therefore particularly important to start protecting children’s faces in cold weather.

Babies and children are the most vulnerable to such weather – their skin is thinner and more sensitive. So damage to the skin can be more rapid and severe – and can last longer. The short-term and slight effects of the cold are reversible: the skin will simply turn brown, swell slightly, and may start to chafe and peel. However, in the case of more severe frostbite, the sensitivity of the skin and its blood vessels to future exposure to cold becomes more accentuated.

An interesting fact is that if a person has frostbitten their hands or ears at least once, they are more sensitive to cold later on – they bruise, redden, and scab over faster.

A nap in the pushchair or a quick walk outside when the weather cools down is a great time for the baby and its respiratory tract. It’s also beneficial for the tired mother who can take a leisurely stroll, stay active and perhaps listen to an interesting audiobook. However, because toddlers don’t move around much in the pram, or because they like to sleep outside, they produce less energy to keep them warm and may be more prone to falling into cold traps.

Steps for protecting children’s faces during cold season

Constant care

Taking care of your baby’s skin on a regular basis will keep it nourished, soft, healthy. Constant care creates a good protective layer that can better withstand the vagaries of the weather.


It is important to make sure that the water is not too hot (around 37 degrees).Bathing shpould not take too long, perhaps even shorter than in the warmer months, to avoid dry skin. Use mild products, possibly with emollients, lipids, oils if the skin is more problematic.

Moisture at home

Often with the heating season comes skin problems. To avoid this, it is important to humidify dry indoor air. Often the humidity level in the home is below 30 per cent. Whereas the optimum relative humidity for a human being is around 50 per cent. Keeping the humidity down helps by lowering the indoor temperature (usually 19-20 degrees is sufficient in winter). Also use a humidifier if necessary.


Although they may not want to drink as often as in summer at lower temperatures, children and babies need to have enough fluids in the house,  to keep their skin from drying out. Breast milk (for breastfed babies) or water (for premature or larger babies) can also be offered before going outside. If you plan to be outside for longer periods of time, be prepared that you may need to feed your baby or give him/her a drink of water.


When preparing your child, remember that breathing should be open and free. If the mouth is covered, water vapour will crystallise on the skin of the face, turning it into ice and making the skin even colder. A hat, scarf and gloves are essential for a child. But the cheeks, nose and lips should be covered with an oily cream or special ointment.

Protecting children's faces in cold weather

Protecting children’s faces in cold weather

Creams, ointments against cold and wind

Absolutely essential for every child in the cold season. Even if your child is 5 or 10 years old and has healthy skin, it still needs protection from the changing weather. No moisturising and nourishing creams or emollients are suitable for this purpose. They only work at a comfortable temperature (at home, and outside when the weather is warm), and it is good to use such creams in the evening, before going to bed. And only a special cream or ointment can protect against cold and wind – its texture should be quite oily and thick. Because that is what can create an effective “shield” against wind and cold. Apply a thicker layer when the wind is strong or when the cold is biting.

When going out in the cold weather, it is also necessary to take care of your lips. There are also special care products available for them, such as various nourishing and protective Vaseline.

The best cream against cold and wind Weleda

It just so happens that, after many trials, we have a few favourites that we use with all our children. So we can wholeheartedly recommend Weleda to our friends, relatives and you.

These are also the German-made Weleda cosmetic products that have captured our hearts from the very first product. Weleda cosmetics for children are unique and amazing because they are ALL NATURAL! No additives, no preservatives, no dyes. Only oils, herbs and natural ingredients that nourish, strengthen, beautify your child’s skin and make it glow!

That’s why we also recommend WELEDA CALENDULA BABY Wind and Cold Protection Cream with Calendula (30 ml). It has all the qualities that are essential for a good cream for children in the cold season:

  • A creamy cream with organic almond oil, lanolin and organic calendula extract;
  • the cream does not contain water – creating a stronger protective barrier against the cold;
  • dermatologist-tested, extremely gentle on even the most sensitive skin;
    also suitable for adults, especially if their skin is sensitive;
  • NaTrue certified;
  • has a mild and very pleasant calendula scent;
  • small  and easy to take with you tube. Fits in your pocket, and easy to apply when needed outdoors, at guests, on the way back from the kindergarten, etc.;
  • very effective, long-lasting, even if there are several children at home.
Protecting faces in cold weather

Protecting faces in cold weather


This creamy cream creates such a good “shield” on the skin that you can just feel its effectiveness and reliability. We love being outdoors for long periods of time. With the help of this cream we can let our child snooze outdoors without worrying, or stay while our older child is playing in the snow.

Use: A small amount of WELEDA CALENDULA BABY Wind and Cold Protection Cream should be applied to your child’s exposed patches of skin outdoors: face, arms, neck, every day to prepare or protect the skin for the cold weather. Don’t try to forcefully wash off the layer when you return from the outdoors. All the natural ingredients make it very valuable for the skin, and most of it is absorbed into the skin within hours. If the excess still bothers you when you get back from the outdoors, you can add (but do not rub) a paper napkin to the areas that have been anointed.

We have tried a number of Weleda products. Read about the Weleda products we have tested in our article First trip with a child.

The article “Protecting children’s faces in cold weather” is an original article prepared by “Travel4kids®”. Copying and use without permission is strictly prohibited.
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